Virtual Assistant Travel Planning – Success Guide

by | February 20, 2015

It’s only February now, but summer is coming up fast. If you haven’t already booked your travel plans, consider delegating the task to your ZA, who can help make your trip planning effortless.

Choosing Your Destination

What kinds of things do you enjoy doing or want to do on your vacation? If you’re looking for a great place to spend your days lounging at the beach, have your ZA check out Maui or Myrtle Beach. If you’re the kind of person who would prefer the energy and excitement of a city, try Las Vegas or Seattle. Are you a nature lover? Mammoth Cave or Yellowstone make great destinations as well. Of course, if you’re more of a world traveler, maybe check out Amsterdam or Barcelona instead.

Booking Your Airline

Have your ZA shop around to find the best price. Kayak and Expedia are great resources to check out, as they show you various prices from different airlines, allowing you to find a price that works within your budget. Your ZA will know when to buy your tickets for the best price giving you the best deal available.

Consider Your Accommodations

After finding the right airline, finding a place to stay comes next. If your flight and hotel weren’t booked together, checking out Kayak or Expedia to see what’s available is the best next step. Your ZA will check out hotels’ websites directly as well, because occasionally, you can catch a promotion and grab a cheaper room that way.

Don’t limit yourself to hotels: have your ZA look into Airbnb, which is a website that connects people looking to rent out part (or all) of their homes with people who are looking for a place to stay while they travel. All kinds of unique places to stay at exist on vacation rental sites.

Planning Your Activities

Even if you’ve been somewhere many times already, it can be good to do some research and explore what there is to do at your intended destination. Have your ZA create a document that outlines what’s available with all the necessary information so that you have it right at your fingertips. If possible, for things that require tickets or purchases in advance, have your ZA handle that for you, saving you time and hassle. Having a list made up of some of the restaurants near the location that you’ll be staying can also make things easier on you.

Booking travel plans doesn’t have to be a hassle. With a little bit of delegation, it can be pretty simple to get your entire trip mapped out for you well in advance.