Top Tweets From Goldman Sachs Builders + Innovators #GSInnovators Summit

by | October 21, 2014

Last week, Goldman Sachs gathered entrepreneurs and leaders in Santa Barbara, CA for a unique conference focused on exchanging ideas among seasoned innovators from all industries. The Builders and Innovators Summit was Goldman’s third annual event and Zirtual Founder & CEO Maren Kate was selected as one of the 100 attendees.

With guests like Michael Dell, Jerry Bruckheimer, and Kevin Plank of Under Armour you bet the thought-provoking conversation made for some amazing tweets. We’ve rounded up the top ones for you here:

“a generation of young people unemployed is a very bad situation. The next billion jobs are from entrepreneurs.” @michaeldell #GSInnovators

— Kelly Peeler (@kellypeeler) October 15, 2014

@MichaelDell #GSInnovators Do things that work until they don’t, then do something else.

— Patti Greene (@PGGreene) October 15, 2014

“When you don’t have anything, you have nothing to lose” @MichaelDell #GSInnovators @GoldmanSachs @NextGenVest

— Kelly Peeler (@kellypeeler) October 15, 2014

“There’s brands that you trust and then there’s technology” -Kevin Plank of @UnderArmour #GSInnovators

— SOPHIA AMORUSO (@Sophia_Amoruso) October 15, 2014

“Two things that will kill you: people & inventory” Kevin Plank, #UnderArmour CEO #GSInnovators

— Maren Kate (@marenkate) October 15, 2014

Great talk with @reedhastings at #GSInnovators. Forget stack ranking. Ask “If this person was leaving would you work hard to keep them?”

— Justin Moore (@justinrmoore) October 16, 2014

“Work life balance doesn’t exist, I want work life integration” – Reed Hastings, CEO of @netflix #GSInnovators @NextGenVest

— Kelly Peeler (@kellypeeler) October 16, 2014

Reed Hastings: “I was getting 14,000 customer emails a day telling me I was an asshole.” Lloyd Blankfein: “Is that a lot?” #GSInnovators

— Chris Sacca (@sacca) October 16, 2014

#1 cause of cancer in the US is obesity, surpassed smoking 2 yrs ago #GSInnovators

— Neil Blumenthal (@NeilBlumenthal) October 16, 2014

“Incrementalism is the enemy of creativity” – @nnegroponte Founder of MIT Media Lab #GSInnovators

— Kelly Peeler (@kellypeeler) October 16, 2014

“If you do something different, success follows you like a shadow.” -Sheldon Adelson #GSInnovators

— SOPHIA AMORUSO (@Sophia_Amoruso) October 16, 2014

#GSInnovators Walter Isaacson is killing it “vision without execution is hallucination”@WalterIsaacson

— Ben jorgensen (@BenJorgensen) October 17, 2014

Important to resist authority, need to question constantly, but don’t need a chip on your shoulder to innovate @WalterIsaacson #GSInnovators

— Neil Blumenthal (@NeilBlumenthal) October 17, 2014