99+ Virtual Assistant Tasks to Pass Off

by | January 18, 2023

Most of us think of a virtual assistant as someone who can “do it all.” And while that may seem to be true with everything they can handle, when it comes to hiring a VA for enhanced productivity of your business, it’s important to remember there is no such thing as a “do-it-all-virtual assistant.” Every VA has different strengths and specific roles in various industries and delegating tasks to virtual assistants is based on that.

While it is true that a virtual assistant can pull you out of the chaotic office routine, at the same time, a superhero VA is a myth. And how do we plan to debunk this myth? We have generated a list of 100 tasks you can outsource to a virtual assistant based on their skills.

By the end of this article, you’ll know the ins and outs of all the tasks that virtual assistants can take off your plate. And if you follow suit, we promise you credible results in achieving your business goals.

100 Tasks To Outsource To Virtual Assistants

Get your popcorn as this is about to get interesting. Here is a list of 100 virtual assistant tasks that you can outsource.

Administrative Tasks

1. Calendar Management

Every business owner needs to plan out their busy schedule in an organized manner. A VA can manage your calendar by scheduling meetings and giving you timely reminders of all the deadlines and upcoming events.

2. Bookkeeping

Tasks For Virtual Assistant - BookkeepingIf you outsource a virtual assistant for bookkeeping, he will be responsible for reporting accurate and current financial information about your business.

3. Event Planning

Arranging and organizing events like conferences, meetings, and all the tiniest matters in making these events hit are all done by a virtual assistant who has apt skills for event planning.

4. File Organizing And Storage

File organizing and proper storage are important parts of a running office. Creating a clear and logical folder structure, keeping similar items together in the same folder, using tags and keywords, and regularly cleaning up, and backing up important files and documents are some of the important aspects of basic administrative tasks.

5. Preparing PowerPoint Presentations

Preparing PowerPoint presentations is an important task that your hired VA is supposed to take care of. This way you can have customized presentations ready for your potential clients or team members.

6. Online Research

Online research makes you know what is trending in the business world.  A time-consuming task but essential for certain collaborations. A VA can help you with this task using various techniques.

7. Forms Creation

Form creation or writing applications is another task that comes under the umbrella of admin work. If you are hiring a VA who specializes in admin work, then form creation is another task you can assign your VA.

8. Building Database (CRM Related)

This task is related to customer relationship management. A VA task where administrating customer interaction to nurture relationships with leads and clients. A tech-savvy VA will know how to use CRM tools with proficiency.

9. Office Inventory Management

A virtual assistant is responsible for online shopping for the necessary office supplies and making sure that at all times, the place is equipped with ample supplies like printer sheets, pins, markers

10. Copying, Scanning And Faxing

You need a VA who can assist you with the job of necessary paperwork and sharing. This involves copying, scanning, and faxing documents. This gives all the team members in various locations access to the documentation simultaneously.

Customer Support

11. Outbound calls

Outbound calls are the calls that are initiated by the business rep to the customer. A crucial part of customer support and a task managed by a VA is to build customer relationships. 

12. Live Chat Support

Most businesses have incorporated live chat support on their websites. Sometimes these are called chatbots and they provide basic information about the service or product you are selling. The virtual assistant must be able to use these bots or manual chat software for providing customer support.  

13. Receptionist Services

Receptionists manage appointments, answer phone calls, transfer important calls, and more. A virtual assistant receptionist depicts your brand image so the task includes knowing thoroughly about it.

14. Helpdesk Services

Tasks For Virtual Assistant - Helpdesk ServicesYou can hire a virtual assistant for helpdesk services for your business. Helpdesk is a computer support center that can be well managed by your virtual assistant for your small business.

15. Upselling Products/Services

This task involves encouraging the customers to upgrade the service they are availing of or buy the higher-end version of the product they are planning to get.

16. Processing Refunds

If you hire a VA for the refund process, the VA should be well aware of the company guidelines for eligibility for a refund. It involves scheduling pickup dates, preparing vouchers, initiating requests to the bank, and updating the customer with the refund status.

Travel Groundwork

17. Planning Travel Dates

Planning travel dates is tedious and requires a handsome investment of time. A VA who is also managing your calendar can assist you in planning travel dates, may it be for business or personal reasons.

18. Booking Tickets

Opting for the mode of travel, managing airfare, selecting which airline to pick, what the designated budget is, and what are the connecting flights – this all come under the task of booking tickets.

19. Booking Hotels

Hotel reservations take a lot of planning than one can expect. This is another task you can outsource to a VA. What stars hotel do you need, what should be the location, booking it through hotel booking platforms and so much more. 

20. Planning Travel Itinerary 

While traveling, having a travel itinerary helps reduce cost, effort, and time. That is why it is advisable to outsource these to a VA.

Personal Errands

21. Planning Personal Events

Planning personal events like birthday parties, anniversary dinners, and family get-togethers are best planned when you have an assistant to do all the dirty work. Calling carters, planning food, giveaways, and connoisseurs can be done when you outsource a personal VA.

22. Booking Venues

Booking venues for events for the desired dates, along with a virtual venue walk are part of this VA task.

23. Managing Guest Lists

Managing a guest list is a big job. Invite the Jones but drop the Tuckers. A personal VA will lift the weight of managing guest lists for your big party and do the job efficiently.

24. Booking Appointments

A personal virtual assistant can book doctors, salons, vets, or any other kind of appointment for you. A part of their duty is to give you reminders and confirm the appointment a day before.

25. Sending Out Invitations

While managing a guest list is tedious, sending out invitations is no less. The right candidate can provide you with virtual assistance in sending out e-invitations to all your guest lists and dealing with RSVPs.

26. Restaurants Reservations

Forgot to book at your favorite restaurant for an anniversary dinner? It wouldn’t have been such a bummer if you had outsourced this task to a personal VA.

27. Paying Bills

Paying bills is such a headache especially when you have tons on your plate. Hire a personal VA and paying bills timely will be taken care of.

28. Tracking Online Shopping

Your personal VA is also responsible for tracking your online orders and making sure that they are picked up when they reach their destination.

Hiring Tasks

29. Creating Job Ads

Creating job ads for the hiring process is a task for a virtual assistant specializing in HR needs. Your VA can curate the perfect ad based on your business specifications.

30. Posting jobs

Tasks For Virtual Assistant - Job posting sitesPosting jobs on recruitment platforms like Ziprecruiter, Glassdoor, LinkedIn, Upwork, and Fiverr is all part of this task.

31. Preparing Interview Questions/Tests

Preparing interview questions based on required skills, personal skills, and a test that concludes the interview is part of this task.

32. Shortlisting Candidates

Going through the applications and responses on the job post and shortlisting candidates for the interview is an HR-related task for a virtual assistant.

33. Scheduling Interviews

Emailing and calling the shortlisted candidates to schedule the interview dates and time is a task for a virtual assistant.

34. Preparing Offer Letters

Another HR task for a VA is to prepare offer letters with salary, benefits, position, and other legal obligations.

35. Onboarding

A virtual assistant is also responsible for the onboarding of new hires. This includes orientation of the process, and systems and assigning initial tasks.

Data Entry

36. Data Input

A virtual assistant can manage data entry in bulk with an efficiency that can save you a lot of time. This involves great typing skills and speed also. 

37. Data Processing

Checking data for accuracy and desired formatting, a VA can do all this and more with proficiency in certain data processing software.

38. Data Transcription

Data transcription is a translation of data. A VA can convert audio notes, interviews, and meeting minutes to text format and convert it in any other format. This is important for quick sharing and analyzing information.

39. Data Conversion

Data conversion is the input of data from one format to another. Your hired VA can take care of data conversions for you for more methodical file keeping.

40. Data Management

Maintaining databases for the necessary business information is a part of a VAs job. Good data management can help the business take a more structured approach.

Email Management

41. Managing Inbox

Is your inbox flooded with emails every day? That’s where a general virtual assistant comes in. Efficient inbox management requires a VA to flag emails and categorize them in relevant, urgent, and non-relevant folders. 

42. Sending Greeting Cards

Christmas, birthdays, and Independence Day – sending out greeting cards to potential clients and customers elevates personalization. Hire a VA who can take care of this task.

43. Answering Customer Emails

Tasks For Virtual Assistant - Customer Email ResponseYou need to reply to customer queries timely along with other tasks. Outsource this task to a VA for better customer correspondence.

44. Filtering Spam Emails

Spam emails can be annoying and make you miss out on important ones. A VA can help eliminate this junk before you look out for the important ones.

45. Making Strategies

Email marketing is the top marketing tool. You need a person who can work on innovative strategies for your email marketing and is apt at using different platforms like MailChimp and Sendinblue. 

46. Creating Content Or Newsletter

One thing is for sure, the email that you send to your customers should hit the bull’s eye. An expert VA can help you come up with the most engaging email content, may it be for the weekly newsletter or for email marketing.

47. Updating Subscriber List

The subscriber list keeps on changing as the new ones sign in and some of the not-so-relevant ones leave. A VA can update the list for sending out new promotions and newsletters.

48. Monitoring New Trends

Every year, the email marketing industry gets a major makeover with new suits and tools to follow. Your hired VA can stay in the loop and can help you keep your strategy the latest.

49. Proofreading Mails

It is important that your emails should look polished and for that, you need a skilled VA who can give your emails a professional edge that it’s missing on.

50. Creating Trending Campaigns

Hire a VA that knows all the scoop on creating trending campaigns for email marketing that are directed towards a certain group based on their collected data.

51. Tracking Results

Following up on the campaign results helps pinpoint the hits and misses in the email marketing strategy. You can hire a VA who can track results and will be able to conclude the outcome.  

Content Management 

52. Copywriting

A VA with a good grasp of content writing skills knows the value of copywriting for a business’ brand awareness. Hire one that can write compelling content for a better conversion rate.

53. SEO Writing

A VA with good writing skills incorporated to get a better ranking of the website on Google is a gold mine for your business.

54. Newsletter Writing

A newsletter is one of the most powerful online marketing tools. The good news is that you can hire a VA for this job who has a knack for writing and knowledge of digital marketing. 

55. Press Release Writing

Hire a VA who is good with words and knows how to target an audience through a press release. Your VA should also be able to edit other writers’ press releases.

56. Blog Monetization

Strategies to make money from your blog require intricate details. A skilled VA will know just the right business models to draw upon.

57. Blog Post Creation

Having a blog is rewarding enough for the business, but to keep it running you need to post regularly. You can hire a VA if you think you are unable to take out time for your blog.

SEO Tasks

58. Keyword Research

Proficiency in keyword research tools and industry knowledge is a part of the keyword research task for a VA.

59. On-Page And Off-Page Optimization

Tasks For Virtual Assistant - SEOImproving the website and helping with on-page and off-page optimization for better visibility on the web is a crucial task that can be handled well by a VA having good industry and SEO knowledge.

60. Competitor Analysis

Vigilance for competitors in the industry requires research. This task can be assigned to a VA with an apt knowledge of different marketing strategies.

61. GSC Management

Indexing webpages and websites on Google Search Console is a time-consuming and recurring task that can be assigned to a VA.

62. Keyword Ranking Report

Other than Google keyword ranking, you can generate keyword ranking reports using various other tools. Your virtual assistant must be able to use these tools to generate the most relevant reports.

Website Management

63. Create WordPress Websites

A virtual assistant that s being hired to manage your website must be well-versed in creating WordPress websites and optimizing them.

64. Install WordPress Plugins 

When a VA is responsible for WordPress management, installing plugins is also a part of those web development tasks. He should be able to identify and install the relevant plugins that are required for your specific business model.

65. Making Customized WordPress Themes 

Desired functionality can be brought together with a customized WordPress theme for the website. You can outsource this task to a virtual assistant who must have experience in similar tasks.

66. WordPress Site Management And Security

If you have multiple WordPress sites, your VA will be managing them from a single dashboard. Monitoring, updating, and keeping good login procedures will all be managed by a VA for site security.

Real Estate Management

67. Property Research

Property research is a recurring yet important part of a realtor’s business. Hand it over to your VA for more productivity.

68. Setting Up Appointments With Buyers And Sellers

Setting up appointments with buyers/sellers, answering simple queries about the listings, or organizing open houses are handled by a real estate VA.

69. Updating Listings

Constantly updating the list of all your property on various sites you use is a part of a real estate VA’s job. 

70. Getting Testimonials

Getting positive reviews from clients when the deal ends up a success is a tedious job but not for a virtual assistant. These testimonials can help to get more clientele as they can be posted on your website.

Video And Audio Editing

71. Branding Multimedia

Videos that you publish on social media need an intro and outro that are a depiction of your brand. This task can be easily taken care of by a video editor VA.

72. Optimized Ads

Making video ads for the targeted audiences can be managed by a virtual assistant proficient in video editing.

73. Live Stream Management 

Nowadays live streaming is a must if you want immediate audience interaction on various platforms. Choosing the platform, setting up the equipment, doing the dry runs – all these tasks for conducting a successful live stream are also managed by a VA.

74. Adding Graphics To Videos

If you want more engagement on your videos, you must hire a VA who is skilled in adding graphics to your YouTube or any other videos.

75. Adding Sound Effects

To enhance the viewer experience and highlight prime moments in your video, you need to add sound effects. An experienced VA will be able to manage this task with no delays.

Finance Management

76. Maintaining And Modifying The Accounting System

If you are hiring a virtual assistant for managing your finances, you’ve to make sure that he has relevant experience in this field and should be able to use the accounting software that you have deployed along with modifying and maintaining it.

77. Tracking Bank Statements 

A VA proficient in accounting is supposed to track and reconcile monthly bank statements. He should also telly the debit and credit entries with the internal ledgers and identify any shortcomings.

78. Processing Invoices

A virtual assistant can process invoices for you and send them over to customers. He should also be able to collect, reconcile, and forward the payments to your bank account. 

79. Invoice Follow Up With Suppliers/Clients 

Invoice follow-up with clients and suppliers is extremely important as people tend to procrastinate payments as much as possible. A virtual assistant can follow up in the form of reminders. 

80. Preparing Ledgers

Preparing ledgers is also a financing task for your VA. The person you hire should be well-versed in accounting principles to be able to perfectly record the financial data.

81. Updating Daily Transactions In Spreadsheets

Another Accounting task for your VA is clean up bank transaction data and daily record the sales in Excel.

82. Assisting In Audits

Providing assistance in quarterly or yearly audits and providing necessary data to auditors can be assigned to a virtual assistant.

83. Process Tax Payments

Everyone dreads doing their taxes. With the help of a virtual assistant, doing the taxes paperwork is not a constraint on your time and sanity.

84. Business Transactions

Your business transactions can be handled by your VA. They can handle the company accounts on your behalf.

eCommerce Management

85. Listing And Optimizing

Adding product titles, pricing, and labels and optimizing the list is a part of this task that can be outsourced to virtual assistant services.

86. Inventory Management

Tasks For Virtual Assistant - Inventory ManagementA virtual assistant for inventory management can keep track of your inventory, help when the inventory runs out or overloads, and coordinate with the vendor accordingly.

87. Order Processing

Order processing is the process that follows after the customer has placed the order. Sending orders for sorting, packing, and shipping is a part of this task

88. Adding Tracking For Orders

Adding tracking for online orders is a time taking task that is usually assigned to virtual assistants. Adding tracking is important to gain customers’ confidence and ensure on-time deliveries.

89. Competitor Analysis

Identifying your business competitors on online marketplaces and debunking their marketing strategies is an eCommerce job well handled by a virtual assistant. It helps in identifying your weakness and strengths.

Web Design Management

90. Designing Website

A virtual web design assistant is responsible for designing and optimizing your website for better scalability.

91. Designing Landing Pages Or Sales Campaigns

Yearly holiday sales or landing page design all come under the web designing tasks that can be outsourced to a virtual assistant company.

92. Designing eBook Covers

Powerful eBook layout, graphics, and design are a part of a web design VA’s tasks.

93. Website Design Testing

Testing the layout of the website for different devices to maximize the user experience needs the engagement of a web designer virtual assistant.

Social Media Management

94. Creating And Managing All Platforms

Creating social media accounts on all mediums like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and more and posting regularly for better interaction with customers can make a presence for your brand on the web.

At Zirtual, we have highly trained virtual assistants who know what moves to make at the right time that can bring your following graph up without you having to get anxious about your social media standing.

95. Planning Campaigns

This is part of social media marketing where a virtual assistant has to plan campaigns at the right time with a designated budget. This requires the skill of competitor analysis as well.

96. Making Viral Content

Unless you go with the flow, there is no point in your presence. Keeping up with viral trends and following them while making content is a part of this task.

97. Answering Queries

Answering customer queries in inboxes, comment sections, and lives is a time taking task. Hire a virtual assistant for this task to make the customers know that you are there for them.

98. Creating Pins For Pinterest

If you belong to the fashion industry or are an event planner, creating pins on Pinterest is crucial for your brand name. You can hire a VA to take over this job.

99. Scheduling And Tracking Pins

Social media platforms like Pinterest saves are like your popularity graph. Scheduling and tracking pins is a task that can be assigned to a VA.

100. Collaboration Tasks

Collaboration with influencers promotes your brand image. This task can be assigned to a virtual assistant who is proficient in influencer marketing and outreach.


100 tasks for virtual assistant and we could still go on. From inbox management and event planning to website maintenance and content creation, a virtual assistant can do wonders for you and your business growth. The key is to tap into the right niche and look for virtual assistant companies that provide experienced and apt virtual assistants.

And this is what Zirtual does best. At Zirtual, there is something for everyone. We offer upskilled VAs based on their special proficiency to buzz up your everyday tasks so that you are free to innovate more, take on advanced strategies, and optimize the process. 

Whether you are a startup or belong to the real estate industry, we have experts waiting to get right down to business. And you know what, our consultation is free and just a click away. So get in touch with us today.