How to Hire Help with CMS Data Entry

by | October 23, 2020


A website enhances your online presence and helps market your business in the vast online marketplace. However, as an executive, you might not have all the time between your busy schedule to adequately manage content for your website. As such, you should prioritize hiring additional office support to help you navigate increasing workloads and leverage new technology for business growth. One particular administrative position that needs to be filled urgently is that of CMS data entry specialist.

What is a content management system 

Content Management system or simply CMS helps busy professionals create, manage, and modify content on a website without a need for technical skills. CMS is a tool that you can use to edit, archive, collaborate, report, publish, and inform web data. The other functions of CMS are in document management processes.

What is the work of CMS data entry specialists?

A content management specialist is tasked with establishing a robust online presence for a company. Some of CMS specialists’ key responsibilities are to write, proofread, edit, or modify the content of a website and ensure it is valid and up to date. The specialist should also promote the company website through newsletters and other effective outreach methods that he/she should develop. They should collaborate with different employees working in various departments to determine the most reliable and relevant information to publish on the website. Some of the specific responsibilities of content management specialist include:

  • Adding new marketing content to a website
  • Writing content that will be used on the website OR Creating and publishing engaging content that appeals to the target audience
  • Overseeing the content management system (CMS) used to control the information on the website
  • Developing an ideal content strategy that aligns with long term and short term marketing targets
  • Doing editing, proofreading, and improving the writer’s posts.
  • Collaborating with marketing and design teams to develop the right site content, style, and layout
  • Optimize content according to SEO
  • Making use of available content management tools and systems to analyze website traffic and user engagement metrics.
  • Management of content distribution across online channels and social media platforms with a view of increasing web traffic
  • Develop an agreeable editorial calendar that works for all content team
  • Ensure content publishing complies with the law, e.g., by considering copyright and data protection

How to hire a CMS data entry specialist

Hiring a CMS data entry specialist need not be a hard task if you use the right procedure and tools. The skills to look for include:

  • Proven work experience as a content manager
  • A bachelor’s degree in a relevant field, e.g., a BSC degree in journalism, marketing 
  • Familiarity with social media workings
  • High typing speeds and attention to detail
  • Excellent research and writing skills
  • Excellent organizational and time management skills
  • Knowledge of SEO and website traffic metrics
  • Knowledge of webs publishing and HTML
  • Hands-on experience with MS Office and WordPress


 CMS data entry: What data needs to get added 

There are various sets of data that need to be added to your company website and system from time to time. Some of the typical ones include:

  • Document data entry
  • Image data entry
  • Event data entry
  • Manuals specifications and other forms of technical data entry
  • Report data entry
  • Multiple versioning data entry
  • A partner client and other user ID data entry
  • Sales and product information data entry
  • Data conversion and data entry for several file formats such as JPG, PDF Word, Excel
  • Contact data entry

Where to find VAs to help with CMS data entry:

Having a virtual team to help with CMS entry can be of great assistance to you. The ideal candidate will free up your time or that of your in-house employees so that you focus on core duties. But where will you find them? 

  • Use freelance marketplace– you can hire a VA from reliable freelancing sites such as up work or freelance my way.
  • Use Zirtual- Zirtual is a top-notch recruiting platform that matches busy professionals with virtual data entry professionals. 
  • Use Virtual assistant companies– virtual assistant companies are online agencies for virtual assistant jobs. Some top provider s include WoodBowsPrialtoWorldwide101

How to maximize the use of your CMS data

You can maximize your CMS data by paying close attention to the following:

Promote reuse of data

Reusing content stored in the cloud will help cut costs by avoiding creating new data from scratch. It will be more efficient and productive if you reuse the relevant data multiple times.

Don’t use a specific framework

You should avoid using a specific framework. When you avoid the limitation of apps created by specific frameworks, you get flexibility and future proof of your content.

Use a CMS system that works with multiple devices 

Avoid a system built for a specific operating system. It is more productive to use a system that works with PC, or mobile devices without a need for significant adaption.

Key Takeaway

An ideal CMS data entry specialist will undoubtedly help your company increase traffics leads and sales. If you are doing inbound marketing or content marketing, you absolutely must hire a content specialist to help run things. You can leverage on new technologies like those offered by Zirtual to engage a dedicated VA content nerd who is solely focused on content creation efforts for your company.