5 Productivity & Delegation Hacks We’re Thankful For

by | November 26, 2014

When reflecting back on all that you’re thankful this holiday season we want to leave you with something special. Our Zirtual Assistants, masters of delegation, productivity and turning plain old string into gold, came up with their favorite workflow hacks they’re most thankful for.

“This cheat sheet of every Gmail shortcut… ever. I also <3 Noisli. I think I’d lose my mind without it!” – Lou Ann A.

“My current favorite productivity hack is: The Two Minute Rule – if it takes less than 2 minutes, do it now. If I have 15 minutes, I can do several things that only take 2 minutes, at the end of that time, my to do list is a lot shorter and my mind is more clear for bigger projects.” – Courtney B.

Eating that frog! Doing the worst, most difficult task first thing in the morning so you clear your day for more enjoyable things.” – Erin S.

“My big delegation hack is to know when it’s time to do it! If you get that sense, upon starting your day, that you aren’t going to be able to do it all, it’s time to delegate. Don’t wait until you’re stressing to decide to get some help. If it isn’t something that you alone must do, send it on its way to someone else, so you can focus on the other stuff!” – Alyson R.

“I’m thankful for Boomerang! One of my tasks is to chase up employees of my client to have their timesheets filled out properly, and it is not easy. By using Boomerang, I can reach out multiple times without actually having to do it myself, which frees up my time for other tasks. It’s particularly helpful on busy days and days when I have big projects to work on.” Mattea K.

What hacks have you thankful for a less stressful holiday season?