3 Must-Do Routines If You Work Remotely

by | December 28, 2014

Working virtually can improve your productivity, organization, creativity and overall happiness levels. With all of these benefits, what could go wrong? Lots! Everyone is different and some personalities are more disciplined than others. For some, working from home or your favorite coffee house can be freeing and relaxing, while other can like the idea, but find themselves distracted by the loose schedule. No matter which personality you’re rocking these tips will bring Zen to your daily ‘To Do List.” By creating a work-life plan to work virtually you’ll be increasing your chances of accomplishing your goals and finding balance in your day.

First Things First

Make goals that propel you forward in your day, such as not checking email before breakfast. Often email can pop up before we have our priorities and goals for the day mapped out. Checking email before setting your daily plan can also sway your mood for the whole day. Don’t let a negative email change your dictate your outlook. Root your morning in possibilities and process email after you’ve had breakfast and set your intentions for the day.

Take Care of You

Have you ever gone an entire day to realize you’ve barely looked up from your screen? Now you’re achy and starving and you still have a deadline to meet! Set a time or a calendar alert to remind you to stand up every hour or so and eat throughout the day. Garmin’s vivofit and vivosmart bands are an entrepreneur’s dream sending a pulse out as a smart notification to get you moving in the right direction.

Human Interaction

Face it , people need people. No matter how much you get accomplished behind that screen you can start to get a little stir crazy. Here are a few tips to prevent walking up and down grocery store aisles looking for someone to talk to.

Co-work with other entrepreneurs casually at a local coffee shop or in one of the fancy shared office locations. Getting out the house every once in a while can boost your mood simply by being around others, which revive your energy in work. Or you can even use an app called Coffivity to bring the buzz of a coffee house to your house.

Pro Tip: Can’t get out of the house this week? Pretend! Use Skype and Google Hangouts to hold video meetings rather than a simple phone call. Schedule time that you can virtually co-work with another at-home worker via video . You’ll get a dose of community from chatting while working through your projects.