21 Sure-Fire Ways How High Performers Can Improve Productivity

by | October 6, 2020

Why Productivity Improvement Is An Ongoing Game

We can agree that productivity is a lifetime journey. As a high performer, you’ve experienced levels of success in your business and personal growth, yet you know there’s always room for improvement.

You see, increased productivity translates into a number of positives for your business including more revenue, better client and team relationships, new initiatives and creativity, and overall company growth.

It also increases confidence in your ability to take on new challenges and conquer them.

Yet, you may be asking yourself, “how can I win back more time in my day?”

Or, “what are the latest tools and technology to better automate my work?”

Or simply, “how can I improve my own productivity?

The good news is, there are apps and techniques you can leverage to bolster your productivity and crush your goals. We’d like to highlight a few tools and tricks of our own to get back more time and to do the things you enjoy with zest, love, and ease.

Your family, business, and customers will thank you!

Top Tools and Tech for Increasing Productivity

#1 Calm

Calm is the go-to app for meditation. With a mission to “make the world a happier place,” their focus on mental fitness and relaxation is ideal for the high performer. The categories range from anxiety, sleep, relationships, stress and more.

You may even find the series led by LeBron James quite interesting: How to train your mind to focus. The possibilities are endless here!

#2 Asana

Collaborative. Actionable. Results-oriented. Your team will deem Asana’s project management tool the app where ish gets done.

Whether it’s a large project that involves several steps and team members or a recurring task that’s part of your client’s workflow, this intuitive platform helps your team plan, organize, and execute…every time.

#3 Toggl Track

Rebranding from Toggl, Toggle Track does more than just track your time and daily activities. It provides valuable insights and data that highlights where you’re overspending time, discover areas where you can improve, how to better spend your time, and so much more.

The good news is, Toggl Track goes wherever you go! It easily integrates with many of the tools mentioned here like Asana, Beeminder, and Evernote. Or, better yet, help track the time you spend in Gmail or Slack using it’s browser extension.

It’s simply a winner at giving your team more time back by being aware of how much time their spending on tasks and projects.

#4 CoSchedule

For executing all things content marketing, CoSchedule is your guy! In fact, it’s perhaps the best content marketing management tool in the market. As an all-in-one platform for your editorial calendar, social media management, and planning and organizing content projects, CoSchedule makes productivity and collaboration seamless for your team.

You see, we can agree your content strategy is crucial for driving visibility and new customers to your business. The key is consistent execution. CoSchedule is a proven, automated tool that helps your team plan ahead of time, remain organized with your content, and execute with confidence.

#5 Zapier

If you can automate it, you should. The less manual work you have to do, the more you can focus on other aspects of your business. Zapier helps you do just that!

Boasting they have more integrations than any app on the planet–and quite frankly, they do–Zapier easily automates workflows and repetitive tasks by connecting the apps you use daily. So, once you create a trigger event, that puts your “Zap” in motion. When the action you set takes place, your zap completes the routine.

It’s uber easy, no coding required!

#6 RescueTime

RescueTime is another time-tracking app that is designed to improve performance and productivity. What makes this one unique is that it automatically tracks the time you spend on websites, apps and docs, without any manual entry. Meaning, you’ll get an honest assessment of where your time is going to foster new and improved habits.

Also, when you really need a focus session to wrap up a project, it’s cool feature, FocusTime, will block those distracting websites so you finish strong. It’s a win-win!

#7 Beeminder

Looking for something motivational that will keep you accountable to your goals? Beeminder is your tool. Whether you’re aiming to lose a few pounds, begin a new habit, read more books, or increase your income, Beeminder will take you there.

What makes Beeminder effective for the high performer is whatever quantifiable goal you give it, you’ll receive regular check-ins that prompts you to respond with concrete data. That progress is then visually plotted on a graph, or a Yellow Brick Road, giving you a true picture of where you are and where you’re going.

Happen to slip up and get off track? You pay the consequence with money.

How’s that for motivation?

#8 Evernote

Well-known as one of the top note-taking apps on the market, Evernote is best for curating your notes across all your devices, anytime, anywhere. It’s robust word processor allows you to create detailed notes and easily organize and categorize them into “notebooks” for easy retrieval. The app also supports and stores your personal content from audio notes, screenshots, clippings, and images. Finally, you can integrate Evernote with other productivity tools like Google Drive and Slack.

Whenever you have a bright idea, need to capture a thought, or record a reminder, Evernote is your go-to!

#9 LastPass

LastPass is the best way to manage the multitude of passwords required for your team’s apps, emails, tools and other logins.

Here’s the beauty: You only have to remember your master password–just one–and LastPass recalls the rest. With security breaches being a real problem and hackers devouring who they may, it’s critical to protect passwords across your company.

This will save you tons of time, money, and frustrations while relieving stress from your team with managing passwords.

#10 Forest

If you’re slightly into online games, Forest is an interesting app that combines gamification, productivity, and humanitarianism into one. Whenever you want to focus on a task or curb phone addition, you simply plant a tree…on the app, of course.

Yet, as you continue to home in on your work, your tree grows. As the app says, stay focused, and you’ll grow a “land of lush forest.” Stop working or get distracted, it starts to whittle and die.

Stay really focused, then your efforts go towards planting real trees through Trees for the Future. How awesome is that?!

Top Techniques and Exercises for Improving Productivity

#11 Delegate, Delegate, Delegate

Outsource your weaknesses. Doing so positions you to focus on your core strengths and the things you enjoy, spawning new ideas, creativity, and more zest for your role. The tasks you find daunting someone else finds thrilling. Build your team and delegate.

By the way, we’re the best at this!

#12 Tidy It Up

A cluttered workspace stunts productivity and creativity. Aim to clean your desk at the end of your workday to start fresh in the morning.

#13 Then, Spice It Up!

Add some pizzazz to your work environment with plants and visual reminders of your goals. Inspiring quotes and your core values look awesome when framed around your office.

Psst: put these where your clients and team members can see during video calls. They want to be inspired, too!

#14 Meditate

We can agree there are a plethora of benefits for meditating including reducing stress, improving focus and concentration, and better sleep. People also report a greater sense of self-awareness, which correlates to improved self-esteem…and, you know it, productivity!

Use the Calm app to guide you.

#15 Avoid Large Meals During Lunch

High-fatty foods will give you the afternoon drag, reducing your energy and performance. Instead, opt for these high-energy foods during the day.

Also, to better gauge how your meals are impacting you, use a tool like a meal tracker and journal how you feel over the next week after eating. This will give you a strong indicator of what’s working for you, and what isn’t

#16 Get an Accountability Partner

We tend to produce more when someone is helping us keep our commitments. Whether it’s a business partner or a mastermind group, accountability is one of the best ways to increasing productivity and getting more done. Plus, you gain invaluable insights by being around like-minded people. It is a winner!

#17 Take (Mental) Breaks During the Day

Intentionally schedule two or three 15-minute breaks to prevent mental fatigue. This will actually help you stay focused longer than attempting to work for long periods of time.

#18 Plan Your Day in Advance

Did you know your day begins the night before? Intentionally mapping out your day gives you confidence to start and finish strong. You know what’s ahead, you can prepare in advance, and better able to accomplish your goals.

#19 Schedule Hard Tasks During Your High-Performance Hours

We all have those hours in the day when we’re completely at our best. It could be early or mid-morning, or right before lunch. It also usually lasts 2-3 hours. Whenever that time is for you, take advantage of it and plug in your hard-to-do tasks.

#20 Take a Walk and Get Moving

The American Psychological Association shares that people who exercise before work are likely to show a 15% increase in productivity. Going for a stroll is an easy way to get moving and raise your energy. It also gives you a chance to appreciate nature and reflect on your next steps. Enjoy!

#21 Take Off!

Yes, go on vacation. Taking time away from the office has tremendous health benefits–like lower stress, greater motivation to achieve goals, and a positive outlook on life. You also spend time with loved ones and get to enjoy what you worked hard for. Isn’t that what it’s all about? Absolutely!

So, take time off. You deserve it!

Now, Let’s Get to Work!

Productivity improvement is an ongoing game but you can stay on top of it by using these tools and techniques to drive your performance. As a result, you’ll get more done efficiently without experiencing burnout, stress, or fatigue.

Much success!