10 Tips for Getting Help with Your Social Media Accounts

by | October 20, 2020

Social Media is a powerful platform for communication that has successfully become interwoven into the day-to-day lives of consumers. As of 2019, approximately 79% of the US population reports having some form of social networking profile. That equates with about 247 million individuals. There is no denying that social media has become a vital tool and resource for businesses to reach their customers and promote their company’s visibility and growth.

In order to develop a successful social media strategy, businesses must dedicate time and effort to creating appealing and valuable content. As a business owner time and energy is often in short supply. The reality is that managing social media channels, creating unique content, keeping up with trends, and ensuring you are reaching out to the right audience through the right platforms can feel like an insurmountable task.

Why You Should Get Help with Social Media

Day-to-day business operations can be hectic and require much of your attention; social media often takes a back seat to other more pressing priorities. This, in turn, inhibits your ability to reach and expand your customer base through available social media channels. Outsourcing your social media to a designated social media manager can help your business thrive and grow by allowing them to build this popular and successful medium for your company.

Top Tasks for Social Media Managers

Social media managers can grab the reins on your social media presence. They can work alongside you however you choose to not only grow your current customer base but also provide social media users with a positive and appealing experience with your brand. This will, in turn, create not only sales but enduring customer relationships for your business. Outsourcing your social media needs does not need to be an all-or-nothing approach. You can set the tone and boundaries for what you need from your social media managers.

Common Tasks That Can Be Outsourced to Social Media Managers includes:

  • Creation of Social Media Accounts and Pages for Your Business on the Most Relevant Channels
  • Creation or Acquisition of Unique Content for Your Business and Industry to Share with Your Customers
  • Routine Creation of Brand Posts Relevant to Your Audience and the Social Media Application
  • Management of Business Pages and Posts
  • Responding to Customer Messages & Social Media Interactions
  • Growing Your Brand’s Social Media Viewership, Followers, and Leads

10 Tips for Outsourcing Your Social Media

As a business owner, you take pride in your brand and your business’ success. Understandably you may initially be hesitant to entrust an outside individual with your business’ image and presence to your customers. An outsourced social media manager will work alongside you to complete the tasks you request and consider your preferences and brand while doing so. Social media managers are specialized individuals with the knowledge, experience, and perspective to help you manage and grow your brand through the various social media channels available to your business. There are some steps you can take to ensure a successful endeavor when outsourcing your social media needs.

1 — Create a Brand Guide

This is possibly the most important step you can take in successfully outsourcing your social media. Take the time to create a go-to guide for your social media manager that clearly expresses your brand’s voice and approach with customers. You want to make sure that your social media manager is able to grasp your brand and image in order to connect with your audience.

2 — Set Your Budget and Goals

With so many social media channels and applications, marketing through social media can get expensive. Set a realistic budget and goals for your social media manager to work with.

3 — Set Expectations and Voice Your Needs

Consider the social media platforms you would like to focus on for your brand as well as the type of content you want from your social media manager.

4 — Consider Your Level of Involvement

Each business owner has their own needs and ways of accomplishing their goals. Think about how involved you would like to be in the social media process and what level of communication you are expecting from your social media manager. Make these boundaries and needs known from the initial stage to set yourself up for success.

5 — Think about Why Your Customers Love You

Take the time to contemplate what attracts your customers to you and provide this insight to your social media manager in order to create the most relevant and best possible content to appeal to your customer’s senses.

6 — Develop a Social Media Plan

Social media offer a number of opportunities to connect with your customers but you cannot do everything at once. Carefully consider your social media plan alongside your social media manager and discuss what will work best for your business.

7 — Maintain Connected and Aware

While each business owner has a different level of comfort with the amount of independence given to your social media manager you should always remain connected on some level and make sure to review your brand’s social media posts and content to ensure your brand’s voice and goals remain on track.

8 — Create a Routine & Stay Consistent

One of the keys to social media success is consistency and visibility. Go over a schedule for posts and content with your social media manager.

9 — Re-purpose Content

Encourage your social media manager to re-purpose your most successful social media content. Once you and your social media manager identify what works, present that valuable information and content to your customers through as many mediums as possible.

10 — Do Not Hand Over All the Keys

Always protect your business and your brand. Give your social media manager the access they need to successfully do their jobs but remain in control of your business assets at all times. Keep track of all login and password information for all of your social media pages and channels.

If you are looking to outsource your business’ social media needs contact Zirtual to let us help you find an experienced and professional social media manager to work with you.